This week Mrs Prendergast gave us a task to complete. It is a Photo album. We had to pretend that we were in Antarctica and get photos from google and make a slideshow about what animal or what you are doing and make it eye catching. Here is mine.
Friday, 24 April 2020
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Today I am sharing a Blog Post about my favourite Holiday destination .
If you want to know keep reading.
My favourite Holiday destination is when me and my friend Allie went to Hanmer springs for my birthday and New Years.
Last year I went there for my school camp. It was soo fun we stayed at the Forest camp. At the forest camp you can go Mountain biking, Orienteering around the forest and Tree climbing. When we were there we done all of them.
When Allie and I were there we stayed at my aunties motel. We went to the pools we done the maze and we won against my nana, sister and cousin. Allie and I went to the abandoned hospital and it was really scary. Because there was chairs stacked on top of each other. Went to the lollie shop and there was so many to choose from. We also went shopping, thee wasn't really a lot to buy. We also went to the pool. We went there everyday all day!
There is a lot of things you can do there even though it is a small town.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you been to Hanmer Springs before? If so whats your favourite place to go when you are there.
If you want to know keep reading.
My favourite Holiday destination is when me and my friend Allie went to Hanmer springs for my birthday and New Years.
Last year I went there for my school camp. It was soo fun we stayed at the Forest camp. At the forest camp you can go Mountain biking, Orienteering around the forest and Tree climbing. When we were there we done all of them.
When Allie and I were there we stayed at my aunties motel. We went to the pools we done the maze and we won against my nana, sister and cousin. Allie and I went to the abandoned hospital and it was really scary. Because there was chairs stacked on top of each other. Went to the lollie shop and there was so many to choose from. We also went shopping, thee wasn't really a lot to buy. We also went to the pool. We went there everyday all day!
There is a lot of things you can do there even though it is a small town.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you been to Hanmer Springs before? If so whats your favourite place to go when you are there.
My friends and I at camp |
Me about to go tree climbing |
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Kia Ora, Back today with another Blog Post about... Movies!
I am going to tell you about my top 3 movies.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Top 5 movies
#1. Coming in with number 1 is Sinister 2. Sinister 2 is a great movie it is a horror movie. Not recommended for 8 years under. It is about 2 boys, Twins. They can see ghosts and every night Dylan one of the twins go down and see Milo, one of the ghosts and watch the movies. Zachery then tells Dylan that he can see the ghosts too.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#2. Number 2 is Titanic. You probably have heard of Titanic and the myth how they crash into the Ice berg. I love this movie because one of my favourite characters in it. Can you guess who it is?... Did you guess Jack / Leonardo DiCaprio? You guessed right! He is such a good actor and does a fantastic job playing Jack.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#3. Number 3 is possibly Fallen. It is a movie about good and bad magic. Angels that choose love over Heaven. This teenage boy Daniel has been in love with Luce for over 1000 years! That is along time. Then a boy Cam tries to change Luce's mind to go for him, because Luce is not baptised and Cam offers her a future. But he is Jealous of Daniel and Luce's love together.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is 3 of my top 3 movies. What movie would you want to see if you had the chance? Do you have a favourite movie. Come in tomorrow and see another Blog Post from me. Bye for now
I am going to tell you about my top 3 movies.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Top 5 movies
#1. Coming in with number 1 is Sinister 2. Sinister 2 is a great movie it is a horror movie. Not recommended for 8 years under. It is about 2 boys, Twins. They can see ghosts and every night Dylan one of the twins go down and see Milo, one of the ghosts and watch the movies. Zachery then tells Dylan that he can see the ghosts too.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#2. Number 2 is Titanic. You probably have heard of Titanic and the myth how they crash into the Ice berg. I love this movie because one of my favourite characters in it. Can you guess who it is?... Did you guess Jack / Leonardo DiCaprio? You guessed right! He is such a good actor and does a fantastic job playing Jack.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#3. Number 3 is possibly Fallen. It is a movie about good and bad magic. Angels that choose love over Heaven. This teenage boy Daniel has been in love with Luce for over 1000 years! That is along time. Then a boy Cam tries to change Luce's mind to go for him, because Luce is not baptised and Cam offers her a future. But he is Jealous of Daniel and Luce's love together.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is 3 of my top 3 movies. What movie would you want to see if you had the chance? Do you have a favourite movie. Come in tomorrow and see another Blog Post from me. Bye for now
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
My special Place
I come home from school and go upstairs to my special place. When I first walk in I see
my bed. It is very messy because I didn’t make it this morning.
my bed. It is very messy because I didn’t make it this morning.
I look to the left and I see my makeup everywhere it looks like there was a tornado in
here! I also see that I have a Black, white and grey theme going on in my room.
here! I also see that I have a Black, white and grey theme going on in my room.
As I walk in I can hear my cat meowing because he's happy that I’m home. As I place my
bag down I can hear my clock ticking in my ear repeatedly. As I find some clothes to
change into I can hear birds outside my balcony wanting attention. I hear my sister
opening my door slowly as it creaks.
bag down I can hear my clock ticking in my ear repeatedly. As I find some clothes to
change into I can hear birds outside my balcony wanting attention. I hear my sister
opening my door slowly as it creaks.
I can smell my perfume that I sprayed this morning before school, I think I had sprayed
too much. I can smell the fresh air coming through my windows and my door leading to my
balcony. I can also smell something horrible, my dirty wet towel that I left in my room
this morning.
too much. I can smell the fresh air coming through my windows and my door leading to my
balcony. I can also smell something horrible, my dirty wet towel that I left in my room
this morning.
When I get all my chores done I feel relieved that I can lie down and relax. But then I
start to get breathless because I can hear my sister walking down the hallway as I try to
have time to myself. I hear her turn into her room, I get excited because she is not going
to come and annoy me and make a mess in my room as I had just finished cleaning.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is your special place? You can probably tell what mine is, The answer i in the Story.
start to get breathless because I can hear my sister walking down the hallway as I try to
have time to myself. I hear her turn into her room, I get excited because she is not going
to come and annoy me and make a mess in my room as I had just finished cleaning.
Today I am going to tell you about a favourite memory. This is one of my favourites, I have amazing friends we have drifted but we are still friends. We talk on social media and sometimes at school. We took this photo because we made a hype house account on tik tok.
----------------------------------------------------------At the top we have Skylah, she is very kind and a good friend, she is also in my class this year.
In the middle row to the left is Shilah we don't talk as much but we are friends and have good memories with her, she is in my class too. Then next to Shilah is Isy, Isy is my Best friend as you can tell. She is a good friend and supportive and kind.
At the bottom left is Summer, She is probably the funniest out of all of us. She is kind and funny asss. Then next is Zyah. We dont talk as much as we used to. We are still friends. Then there is me, I am probably the stupid, phone crazy one. Then last is Nia, she is one of the kindest girls I know.
We then took our own paths and separated about 3 weeks later. We see each other around school and say Hi and thats about it. We have drama with each other all time.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you enjoyed getting to know about my favourite memory and photo. If you want to see more Blog Posts then come back tomorrow because I am posting daily. Ka Kite.
----------------------------------------------------------At the top we have Skylah, she is very kind and a good friend, she is also in my class this year.
In the middle row to the left is Shilah we don't talk as much but we are friends and have good memories with her, she is in my class too. Then next to Shilah is Isy, Isy is my Best friend as you can tell. She is a good friend and supportive and kind.
At the bottom left is Summer, She is probably the funniest out of all of us. She is kind and funny asss. Then next is Zyah. We dont talk as much as we used to. We are still friends. Then there is me, I am probably the stupid, phone crazy one. Then last is Nia, she is one of the kindest girls I know.
We then took our own paths and separated about 3 weeks later. We see each other around school and say Hi and thats about it. We have drama with each other all time.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you enjoyed getting to know about my favourite memory and photo. If you want to see more Blog Posts then come back tomorrow because I am posting daily. Ka Kite.
Monday, 20 April 2020
The funniest people I know
Kia Ora, Today I am going to tell you about the 2 funniest people I know. If you really want to know who they are and to see how funny they are keep reading.
#1: Coming in at number 1 we have Isy.
Isy is a very funny person. She is always funny and she is always being crazy when we are on a video call together. She pulls faces at the camera, like a monkey mocking a human being. She even sends me funny Snapchat photos and videos. Even on tik tok.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#2: Number 2 we have Hannah.
Hannah she is crazy, funny and even tooo funny and crazy. She tells funny jokes and is always loud and making Isy and I laugh soo much that we don't know how loud we are! She is like Isy sending funny photos and Videos to Isy and I.

Thursday, 16 April 2020
About my best friend Isy
Here is a blog post about my best friend Isy...
Have you got a best friend? Well I have her name is Isy.
She goes to my school and is a Year 8, She is in my class to.
Here is some stuff about our friendship.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How we met?: The first thing behind a friendship is how did they meet. Me and Isy met when she first started Grey Main in 2019. When we first spoke she seemed very nice. We started talking more and more. We both had a friend called Zyah. Then all 3 of us had heaps of arguments, but we always made up.
What happened?: At first it seemed fine. But then when we became close we started getting into drama and fighting A LOT!! But Isy and I always made up. We are kind of still friends with the others.
When we became friends: We first started becoming friends this year when we got put into the same classroom. We also went to a netball camp called Te Wai. We had heaps of drama there between me and her. Then we came to school we got really close as you know. We still are we have been best friends for about 2 months now.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How does Isy make me feel?: Isy makes me feel confident when I am down. She is always making me laugh sometimes she makes me laugh too much that I cant breath. Every time I see her I always smile. We do everything together and we always will.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is happening now?: Right now with our friendship we are still the same. We are always there for each other. We are always calling and non stop talking in real life and on social media. We have very funny photos of each other. Ever since we first became the bestest of friends we have been inseparable. We call every night and talk all day. It is very hard not to see Isy due to lock down. But when we see each other next we will never stop talking about how much we missed each other.
----------Here is a photo of me and Isy.----------
Have you got a best friend? Well I have her name is Isy.
She goes to my school and is a Year 8, She is in my class to.
Here is some stuff about our friendship.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How we met?: The first thing behind a friendship is how did they meet. Me and Isy met when she first started Grey Main in 2019. When we first spoke she seemed very nice. We started talking more and more. We both had a friend called Zyah. Then all 3 of us had heaps of arguments, but we always made up.
What happened?: At first it seemed fine. But then when we became close we started getting into drama and fighting A LOT!! But Isy and I always made up. We are kind of still friends with the others.
When we became friends: We first started becoming friends this year when we got put into the same classroom. We also went to a netball camp called Te Wai. We had heaps of drama there between me and her. Then we came to school we got really close as you know. We still are we have been best friends for about 2 months now.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How does Isy make me feel?: Isy makes me feel confident when I am down. She is always making me laugh sometimes she makes me laugh too much that I cant breath. Every time I see her I always smile. We do everything together and we always will.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is happening now?: Right now with our friendship we are still the same. We are always there for each other. We are always calling and non stop talking in real life and on social media. We have very funny photos of each other. Ever since we first became the bestest of friends we have been inseparable. We call every night and talk all day. It is very hard not to see Isy due to lock down. But when we see each other next we will never stop talking about how much we missed each other.
----------Here is a photo of me and Isy.----------
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Hide and Seek Poem
Hide and seek
We got given a activity to write a poem about a experience we were playing hide and seek
so here is mine...
so here is mine...
My game of hide and seek starts hiding if you are the hider and the seeker has to find
somewhere to count so they don't see the other players.
somewhere to count so they don't see the other players.
I'm imagining I am hiding in a place up high, just about higher than a giraffe's neck.
Not too high that I will hurt myself, and not so low that the seeker will see me.
Not too high that I will hurt myself, and not so low that the seeker will see me.
I can see kids playing, Jumping, spinning, skipping. I can hear birds whistling in the trees.
I can hear the wind blowing in the winter outdoors.
I can hear the wind blowing in the winter outdoors.
I feel afraid that I am so high off the ground. But it is worth it if I want to win this game.
I got so hot that I could see the water tap and I started drooling because I was that hot!
I got so hot that I could see the water tap and I started drooling because I was that hot!
The game ended with a winner. Not me. I didn't go high enough.
I got found by the other seekers after 2 people got found. But it's just a game.
I got found by the other seekers after 2 people got found. But it's just a game.
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