Friday, 24 April 2020

My photo Album

This week Mrs Prendergast gave us a task to complete. It is a Photo album. We had to pretend that we were in Antarctica and get photos from google and make a slideshow about what animal or what you are doing and make it eye catching. Here is mine.


  1. Kia Ora Charlotte!
    I'm Grace a Year 8 from Yaldhurst Model School
    What a wonderful blog post you have done.

    I love how when you explained you added photos to go with it, This trip seemed amazing if you were to actually go on it, what do you thik you personally would enjoy?

    Maybe next time you could a little bit more details not on the slide above it, maybe what you thought about the task and maybe some questions so more people can comment and answer it.

    But apart from that its great!
    Good job

  2. Kia ora Charlotte, Your slides are well formatted using photos and information. The use of maps is effective. Friends of mine went on a cruise to view Antarctica a few months ago.The cruise left from South America.

  3. hi Charlotte it is Kobe from m2 i like the seals they were so cute did you like making this work??


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