Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Hide and Seek Poem

Hide and seek
We got given a activity to write a poem about a experience we were playing hide and seek
so here is mine...


My game of hide and seek starts hiding if you are the hider and the seeker has to find
somewhere to count so they don't see the other players.
I'm imagining I am hiding in a place up high, just about higher than a giraffe's neck.
Not too high that I will hurt myself, and not so low that the seeker will see me.
I can see kids playing, Jumping, spinning, skipping. I can hear birds whistling in the trees.
I can hear the wind blowing in the winter outdoors.
I feel afraid that I am so high off the ground. But it is worth it if I want to win this game.
I got so hot that I could see the water tap and I started drooling because I was that hot!

The game ended with a winner. Not me. I didn't go high enough.
I got found by the other seekers after 2 people got found. But it's just a game.


  1. Hi Charlotte

    I think I would be searching for a good while, if I was in for Hide and Seek.

    Hope you are taking having some fun times with your family during lock down. Maybe taking a walk or two around Runanga.


  2. Hello Charlotte
    I am Bridget A Year 8 from Yaldhurst Model school. I like how you have got some really really awesome description I think that your poem is really quite splendid. Maybe next time you could add a picture of how high up you were. What type of poem is this do you know?

  3. Konnichiwa Charlotte, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way your poem had a bit of descriptive language.

    This reminds me of when I made an acrostic poem about warrior cats. Whenever I can make a poem about something I always do acrostic poems, they are just so easy.

    To improve, you could make a picture of the seeker looking for you, or you hiding in the tree.

    Did you have another spot in mind?
    How high up in the tree where you?
    Why did you make your writing sloped?

    Cya later, keep it up!


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.